About us

Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

Ronnie Oldham


An International Award Winning Company ​

ADSTRUC ASSOCIATES is a Consultancy firm offering comprehensive services in Infrastructural Development, Engineering Design and Project Management.

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Completed Project
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Successful Clients


To provide excellent and qualitative service delivery through Innovation, Technology and Human Resource Management.


To provide unrivalled and excellent services to the admiration and satisfaction of our Clients


We have talented experts to help you.

Braden Davila
UI Designer

Paloma Schmitt
Marketing Lead

Pablo Short

Caitlyn Meadows
Core Developer

Who we are

ADSTRUC ASSOCIATES is a Consultancy firm offering comprehensive services in Infrastructural Development, Engineering Design and Project Management.

The team of articulate, dynamic, highly skilled and experienced Engineering Professionals and Technicians have over the years accumulated an enviable wealth of experience and reputation which have been used to project the firm to her present height.

Two-time international award winner, ADSTRUC ASSOCIATES have been privileged to work for different clients on varied projects spread across the country and have repeated record of unrivaled creditable performance.

Meet Our Founder

Engr Titus A. Omolewa fnse, fnice, fimc (NIG) 


Century International Gold Quality Era Award in the Gold Category in Geneva, Switzerland

We were awarded with the Century International Gold Quality Era Award in the Gold Category in Geneva, Switzerland in 2012

Century International Gold Quality Era Award in the Gold Category in London, UK

We were awarded with the Century International Gold Quality Era Award in the Gold Category in London, United kingdom in 2013